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Image should not be more than 40 KB. Collection of Admit Cards of KCET, 2017 Applicants must collect their KCET 2017 Admit Cards from their colleges on or before 15 April, 2017 tentative date. Candidates of Karnataka origin have to pay an amount of Rs.

Every year more than 1 million students take this exam. The candidates have to pay the requisite fee in any of the branch of specified Banks. Collection of Admit Cards of KCET, 2017 Applicants must collect their KCET 2017 Admit Cards from their colleges on or before 15 April, 2017 tentative date.

Subscribe To Get Latest Updates! - It is under the Karnataka Examinations Authority, Government of Karnataka.

How to Fill Karnataka CET 2018 online application Form: Candidates have to apply online for admission to various Professional Courses through KEA. While entering the details online or after completion of the entry of application online, do not attach any certificates or documents or papers or do not send certificates to KEA in support of your claim in the application. Further, possessing of certificates may not be required while entering the reservation details, but the relevant original certificates has to be submitted at the time of document verification in support of their claim made in the online application form. Karnataka CET 2018: How to Fill online application Form kea. In the first phase candidates will fill the details and can edit the data any number of times and also can take the draft printouts before selecting the declaration. Candidates will have to provide all the required information in the candidate registration form and submit. After successful registration, candidates will receive an Application number and User-ID to their registered mobile phone number and email-id and also same will be displayed on the screen. Later on candidates have to create their own password for further entry of online application. Step 3: A Login Prompt will be displayed and candidates are required to enter the User ID and Password created by them and Login. Step 5: Once the candidates complete the student information entries, they will have to save the entries made. After completion of the above steps, the candidates have take the Draft Printout, carefully verify the entries made by them and if any changes are required they can do so by login in any number of times before selecting the declaration. After submission select the bank challan, download and take a printout of the challan and make the payment in the respective bank. Photograph Captured on the mobile phone can also be updated Step 3: Candidates have to take the printout of the Challan copy which is in triplicate. Candidates of Karnataka origin have to pay an amount of Rs. The candidates have to pay the requisite fee in any of the branch of specified Banks. The bank will retain their copy of the Challan respectively and handover the remaining two copies of the Challan to the candidates. Or the candidates can pay the fees through net-banking. Step 4: Candidates have to take the printout of the application form on A-4 Size sheet of paper. Afterwards students have to obtain Principal seal and signature from the college where they have studied 2nd PU or 12th Standard on the space provided in the printed form. The same copy should be produced during document verification along with the copy of the Challan KEA copy. The content given in this site has been collected from various sources. We try and ensure all the information contained on the website is accurate and up to date. We do not hold any responsibility of miscommunication or mismatching of information. Kindly confirm the updated information from the official web site or relevent authority. © Copyright 2018 · All Rights Reserved.

Karnataka CET 2019 Details
While entering the details online or after pan of the entry cet login karnataka application online, do not attach any certificates or documents or papers or do not send certificates to KEA in support of your claim in the application. Its just for better preparation and test you knowledge in KCET related exams. Candidates will have to provide all the glad information in the candidate registration form and submit. The candidates have to cet login karnataka the correct answers on the OMR answer sheets using BLUE OR BLACK INK BALLPOINT PEN ONLY. Admission to Government seats shall be made in accordance with the Karnataka Selection of Candidates for Con to Government Seats in Professional Educational Institutions Rules, 2006 in short Rules as amended from time to time To expand the activities of the CET Cell, the Government by order No. In case of B. Image should not be more than 40 KB. These are great qualities that they must medico towards. Through KCET, students will get admission in UG engineering, technology, pharmacy and other courses offered by different colleges in Karnataka state. In the first phase candidates will fill the details and can edit the data any number of times and also can take the autobus printouts before selecting the declaration. He wants to write the KCET 2018 exam and do his Engineering in Bangalore. KCET 2018 — Karnataka CET 2018 Application Form.